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Storage and travel with Tresiba®

Storing Tresiba® FlexTouch® and vial

It’s important to store your insulin correctly so that it remains safe and effective.

Tresiba® storage before use

Refrigerator icon

Store unused Tresiba® FlexTouch® pens and vials in the refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2°C to 8°C)

Do not freeze icon

Do not freeze Tresiba®. Do not use Tresiba® if it has been frozen

Clock and exclamation point icon

If kept in the refrigerator, unopened pens and vials may be used until the expiration date printed on the label

Tresiba® storage after use

Insulin vial in medicine cabinet icon

Keep at room temperature (up to 86°F) or refrigerated for up to 8 weeks

Lamp icon

Keep away from direct heat and light

Biohazard disposal icon

Dispose after 8 weeks, even if there is insulin left in the pen or vial and the expiration date has not passed

The Tresiba® FlexTouch® pen lasts up to 8 weeks once in use if it is refrigerated or kept at room temperature up to 86°F and away from direct heat and light.

Safe Disposal

Biohazard disposal icon

Safe Disposal

It's important to immediately dispose of your needles and syringes in a sharps disposal container. You should also dispose of pens or vials that are empty or lack a usable quantity through a drug-collection program or by placing them in an appropriate container according to local laws.

You can order a free sharps or medicine container from Novo Nordisk and we’ll take care of safely disposing the container for you.

Order now

Travel Tips

Tresiba® FlexTouch® pens can go almost anywhere because you can keep them in your pocket, purse, or bag.


Travel icon


Make sure to keep your Tresiba® in your carry-on luggage when traveling. Insulin should never be placed in checked luggage because of the extreme temperatures it may be exposed to. 

Going someplace warm?

Palm tree icon

Going someplace warm?

Remember to keep Tresiba® out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (up to 86°F) once in use.

Changing time zones?

Time zone icon

Changing time zones?

While we encourage you to take Tresiba® the same time every day, sometimes your schedule may change or you may forget to take your dose. If you’re changing time zones, just make sure to leave at least 8 hours between doses.

Be Prepared With a Travel Checklist

Check mark icon

Tresiba® FlexTouch® or vial

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Pen needles or syringes

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Blood glucose meter

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Test strips

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Lancing device and lancets

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Alcohol swabs

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Glucose tabs

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Glucagon kit

Check mark icon

Other diabetes medicines

NEXT: Side effects
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